SAP Calculations Building Regulation Compliance

SAP Calculations (Building Regulation Compliance)

SAP calculations are used to predict the energy efficiency of new domestic buildings. If you are constructing a new house or flat in the UK, you will need to have SAP calculations completed by an accredited energy assessor in order to obtain an EPC on completion of your property. You may also require SAP calculations for an extension depending upon its size and nature. If you are unsure if you require calculations for an extension, then please contact us or your building control officer to discuss this.

For new dwellings, a SAP calculation and a Predicted EPC should be submitted to building control before construction work is started. However, we often find clients only discover that they need SAP calculations at the end of their project, once the building has been constructed. This is not the way the system is intended to work. Leaving it this late can also make compliance much more difficult and expensive. If your building requires improvements to meet the minimum energy standards required, you may find you have to redo parts of the construction to retrofit improvements. Involving us early in the project (at the design phase) can not only prevent this but also save you money. Our experienced assessors can help advise you, helping you comply in the most efficient manner for your specific building.


A SAP calculation for a new dwelling is a desktop exercise. The client or their designer submits drawings, plans and specifications of the development to the accredited assessor for use in the calculations. It is recommended that the SAP calculation is undertaken early in the design process, this will help to prevent any costly redesign of the dwelling.

A full SAP calculation will usually involve 4 key stages: 

  • As Designed (Draft) 
  • As Designed (Final) 
  • As Built (Draft) 
  • As Built (Final) 


Building Regulations are an area of legislation that has now been devolved in the United Kingdom to each of the different administrations. At the moment the rules in England and Wales are essentially the same, however different rules and systems apply in Scotland and Northern Ireland. Additionally, some areas have additional requirements as part of the planning process. Here at Rowleys Commercial Energy Assessment Limited, our assessors are used to working with your building control officer to help you through this complex process wherever your building is located. 

The cost of SAP calculations can vary significantly depending on the size and complexity of your project. Please [contact us] – hyperlink – linked to ‘Contact’ page for a quotation supplying as much information about your project as you can. We are always happy to discuss your specific requirements with you.

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